Sunday, 19 August 2007

Uncle Ian & Aunty Christine visit for the weekend

Uncle Ian & Aunty Christine (Mum's uncle & aunty) came up to visit me this weekend. On Saturday we went shopping at the market and then went and watched Dad play rugby. He bet the Canterbury B team so he was happy.

Friday, 17 August 2007

Trip to Rotorua

On Thursday, Mum & I flew up to Rotorua to visit some friends. We had two flights up and two back. I was such a good girl the whole way, Mum was so proud. We had to sit next to a man on one flight coming home. By the look on his face, he thought it was going to be a horrible flight for him. But of course it wasn't because I just lay on Mum, sucking my thumb and wondering why the man wouldn't look or smile at me :(

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

5 month plunket check

Today I had my 5 month plunket checkup, although I'm only really 4 1/2 months. I now weigh 6.91kg and am 64.5cm tall. My plunket nurse said I'm a healthy little girl and looking lovely :)

Monday, 13 August 2007

Busy Weekend

On Friday after work, we all drove over to Blenheim to watch the Makos play Hawkes Bay. I really liked dancing to all the music. We stayed the night there because Dad was playing Blenheim on Saturday afternoon. We went shopping in the morning and then dropped Dad off at the park. I managed to have a little snooze on the back seat of the truck before we watched Dad's game, which he won. I slept most of the way home because I was so tired.

Thursday, 2 August 2007

Down on the farm

On Monday, Mum and I flew down to Christchurch where Nana picked us up and took us down to the farm. There had been heaps of rain down there and we couldn't take the car through all the water so we had to park the car at a neighbours place and Grandad had to come and rescue us in the truck! It was Uncle Dave's birthday on Tuesday night so we had a dinner for him at home and then Nan's birthday on Friday so we had lunch in town with her. I have been helping on the farm too, checking cows and bringing cows and their calves into the pens. I even got to help Mum drive the motorbike! I'm looking forward to my next trip down there in a few weeks.