I am 1! Finally! Yep, I made it to the special day but my party had to be postponed until the next day because Dad had rugby. Us kids had a picnic while the others had a BBQ lunch. Mum made me a pussycat cake which I wanted to keep eating and eating, yummy. I got loads and loads of awesome presents, thank you very much everyone! Mum says I am spoilt. Our new kitten Pearl loves playing with my new toys too. This is me on my birthday watching Dad play rugby.
And here's me in my new Police car. Uncle Dave better not speed anymore otherwise I'll catch him!
We have now moved up to the North Island. I have been doing heaps of cool things like going to swimming lessons and playcentre. It's really hot up here and I have to have a swim in the paddling pool that Nana and Grandad bought me, just about every day! I am getting really good at feeding myself too. I can now walk, with a few stumbles here and there, but getting better at it every day. I am looking forward to my 1st birthday coming up very shortly :)